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Bevan Weir

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Bevan Weir
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Dr Bevan Weir is the Research Leader for Mycology and Bacteriology systematics at New Zealand’s environment-focussed government research institute Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research. He is curator of New Zealand’s national culture collection of fungi and bacteria, the ICMP, and is a councillor of both the New Zealand and Australasian mycological societies.

Bevan’s research interests are systematics and genomics of plant pathogens, in particular the genus Colletotrichum; and has over 50 research papers published. He has had an active role in most of the major incursions of plant pathogens in New Zealand in the past decade, working closely with central government agencies.

In his spare time he also can’t get away from mycology and is either hunting mushrooms in the native forest or brewing craft beer.

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