This is an excerpt from a Wasp Wipeout at Stuff. At his office in Lincoln near Christchurch, Dr Bob Brown, an ecologist at Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research, has an incubator containing precious…
- ConservationInsectsSystematics
Endemism, Extinction and Vanishing Moths of New Zealand
by Robert Hoareby Robert HoareA specimen of Xanthorhoe bulbulata (Geometridae) from the NZAC. This moth is feared possibly extinct. (photo Birgit Rhode) The discovery of the tiny black-and-white micro-moth Eudarcia richardsoni in the Swiss Alps in…
Hydora lanigera (photo Manaaki Whenua) We have few beetles in New Zealand that could be called truly aquatic but, what we do have includes the riffle beetles in the genus Hydora. With…